Toti's Favourites


by Malachi Goldson

My brothers are a reflection of me without the mistakes

They reap the rewards for the decisions I make

I teach them right from every wrong step I take

I always say use me as the platform to reach the places I couldn’t make

From bunkbed debates to sharing plates

Blood is one of many ways that we relate

I look at them and see myself at different stages of life

I understand my importance as they follow in my lead and not ask why

Through the straight roads, turns and bends

I want them to make their own path and we all meet at the end

I defend and always attend

I commend never condescend

To see them ascend is all I intend

Dictionaries can’t explain how they mean to me

Fall asleep downstairs and I carry them up to bed no surprise that life with them is like a dream to me.

Football in the garden got messy, but the memory is still so clean to me

I’m right behind so at no point will they ever be needing me

I’ve got their back like they could see it

They’re like two angels on my shoulders keeping my head straight

And up when it falls

Because I’m up when they call

I could paint a picture of my love

But I’d rather do it old school

Like the days at nannies house

And write it on the wall


by Reece Brown

In vast echoes, greatness unfurls,

Beyond the bounds of owned realms.

Mother's Day, a tribute to birth,

True empires lie in her boundless worth.

Majestic heights, not marked by deeds,

Greatness whispers in selfless seeds.

In the embrace of a mother's sway,

Love blooms, an eternal bouquet.


by Ria Ince

Decide to walk with God and you will go to the place

That satisfies only your desires

Be led by God through boundless, inimitable faith

That fulfils all that your soul and mind requires

What we don’t understand

And to many people I have told

Wanting is selfish, and wanting is impulsive

Where is our discipline? Is it dominated by our impulsivity?

Let us find depth in our desires

Want those who feed our souls

Who stimulate our passion but take our promiscuity 

We’re all alone in this together

But when it comes to the power that we have in our ministry

And the faith that we put in God

Our decisions will endure the Art of Love

And they say some of the best ones 

Are often the hardest.

Jonny's Favourites


by Tomas Smith

In the heart of islands, where Kalabaw roams,

A brand emerges, weaving dreams into homes.

Kalabaw Global, where culture finds its voice,

In threads of heritage, it proudly rejoices.

In vibrant hues of sunset’s embrace,

Threads of Filipino soul, woven with grace.

From bustling streets to tranquil shores,

Kalabaw Global echoes traditions, restores.

Embrace the spirit, grab life by the horns,

In every stitch, a story adorns.

With each design, a tale unfolds,

Of resilience and beauty, as history moulds.

From rice terraces to bustling Manila streets,

Kalabaw Global’s essence beats.

In every fabric, the Filipino spirit thrives,

A celebration of culture that forever drives.

So wear with pride, let the world see,

Kalabaw Global, where hearts run free.

Embrace the spirit, in every thread,

Philippine culture, forever spread.


by Diesel Martin-Hall

Family is one of life's greatest treasures

And is the first memory one will remember

Family endures your good and bad times

A place where you can put your hand on your heart and call it, Home.

Family does not mean you have to be bonded by blood.

Toti and Jonny are people who I will always love.

March is the time to celebrate their achievements and the impact they have made.

An early happy birthday is what they need to hopefully make their day.

upthegreatness is full of love, compassion, and joy

Key components that solidify an everlasting 
